IDST college has an on campus provision for its students to stay in a clean comfortable and secure environment.
We have separate blocks for –

Girls Hostel

Girls Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel
The hostel has various options like single rooms, on sharing basis, Air-conditioned and Non- Air conditioned rooms.
We wish to provide a healthy, clean, comfortable, fun and secure atmosphere for our students to learn and grow. This can only be possible if all our students promise to abide by the hostel guidelines to make it a wonderful experience for everyone.
- Hostel accommodation is allotted on a first come first serve basis.
- The prerogative and discretion of the management is the final say in this regard.
- Bed
- Study Table
- Cupboard
- Chair
- Fan
- Tube light –(LED)
- Mattress & Pillows
- Linen items
- Bucket, dustbin etc.
- Cloths rack
- Lock with 3 keys
- While occupying the room students must check the items of the room, fixtures and fittings including electricals and sign the inventory list for correctness and having taken over.
- The college provides an in-house laundry facility. To offer convenience to the students
- Students can avail this service for a nominal charge.
- This service includes washing, ironing, and dry cleaning providing a comprehensive solution for student’s laundry need.
- Please contact the resident caretaker to avail this service.
- Free Wi-Fi facility is available in the hostels.
- The list of permissible electrical appliances/ gadgets *:
- Coolers
- ACs
- Kettles
- Irons
- Keeping gadgets which are potential fire hazards and can cause damage to life and property are strictly prohibited inside rooms, such as:
- Electric blanket
- Immersion rods
- Coil heaters
- Induction plates
- When a student wishes to go home or on a night-out, the parents need to send an email on in advance.
- A copy of this application approved by Hostel warden should be submitted to the hostel supervisor clearly mentioning the start and end date of the leave.
- A video call with the parents is required at the time of leaving the premises even if for a night.
The postgraduates can have an outing on a daily basis but ensure to report back to the hostel by 11 pm. Any delay for whatsoever reason has to be informed and they have to share the live location to the respective warden.
Any postgraduate going for a late night party/event (not involving going home) is permitted to do so, only after the warden receives a written approval from the registered mobile number of the parent of that particular postgraduate.
Asking the guard to leave without gate pass or misbehaving with the guards at the gate is not acceptable.
For home-going purposes, postgraduate students must fill a form (available with the HOD) that is duly signed by their Head of Department (HOD) and Hostel Warden.
We recognize the social anxiety experienced by new students transitioning to hostel life for the first time. To address this, at IDST, we implement a policy where rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis by the college. Over the course of six months, students have the opportunity to socialize and form new acquaintances. Thereafter, we allow them to select roommates based on their personal comfort level.
- Students must occupy rooms allotted to them only. They are not allowed to change rooms without written permission of the Warden and accounts office.
- No furniture/ item of the room shall be shifted or removed while changing the room.
- The students are requested to vacate the room in the same condition in which they got it.
- The handover process shall be completed after verification of all furniture/ items, physical inspection by the warden and hostel supervisor.
- Students desiring to shift out of the hostel have to take 3 months prior approval from Chief Warden with the parent’s consent letter endorsed by the Warden, Principal IDST and NOC from accounts office.
- Rooms need to be vacated immediately after the end of the academic session.
- Students cannot stay in the hostel during summer vacations as maintenance of the hostel happens during that time.
- In special cases if the student is not leaving for vacation, an application, with the principal’s endorsement, for stay during vacations may be submitted to the Chief Warden. On approval by the Hostel Committee, the student may be given accommodation in the guest rooms.
- The Chief Warden reserves the right to break open any room which is not vacated, pack up the belongings and empty it. No complaints of breakage or loss will be entertained. The Chief Warden can also break open the rooms in case of any violation of hostel rules, suspected unlawful activities or on the basis of security risk perceived.
- The duplicate key of the room must be deposited with the office.
- Hostel fees will neither be refunded nor adjusted against tuition fees if a student vacates the hostel before the completion of the academic year, including instances where the student is suspended from the hostel due to disciplinary action.
- No outsider is allowed in the hostel campus without verification of identity and registering the purpose of visit.
- Visitors are allowed to meet the residents between 4PM to 6PM in the Common Room and College Cafeteria. No outsider is allowed in the hostel room.
- Parents/ guests are not permitted to stay in the room of the students.
- Parents/ siblings wishing to stay overnight should seek permission to accommodate them in the guest room.
- No male member is permitted in the girl’s hostel compound.
- No female guests are allowed in the boy’s hostel.
- Any damage/breakage to hostel property will be charged to the occupants of the room with a fine. Disciplinary action will also be initiated.
9. Cooking in hostel rooms is not permitted.
10. All instructions/ notices displayed on notice boards in the hostels will be deemed to have been read by all residents and excuses for non-compliance of rules and instructions put up from time to time will not be accepted.
11. Playing of loud music or disturbing fellow hostel residents will not be permitted. Kindly use earphones while listening to music. Playing outdoor games inside the hostels/corridors is not permitted. Silence Hours will be observed from 10 p.m. to 06 a.m. on all days.
12. Partying in the rooms/corridors will not be permitted whatever be the occasion. Residents must not go to other rooms and disturb the inmates. Complaints from other residents will be investigated and action shall be taken accordingly.
13. Fire Hazards and Safety: Candles and incense are a fire hazard and are not permitted in the hostels. Combustible materials such as gasoline, paint thinner and oil lamps are not permitted as well. BURSTING CRACKERS, CARRYING CRACKERS TO THE ROOMS AND LIGHTING OF LAMPS/CANDLES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN AND AROUND THE HOSTEL PREMISES AT ALL TIMES.
14. Residents must switch off all lights and fans, and electrical appliances including mosquito repelling machines, if any, before leaving their rooms. This is necessary to avoid inadvertent fire. In case of fire, residents must raise an alarm and call the hostel caretaker.
15. Attendance in hostels is mandatory. The Chief Warden/Warden or his representative may enter any room for verification at any time of the day or night.
16. Proxy or dummy room-mates are forbidden. Strict action will be taken if accommodation is held as proxy. They are liable to be removed from the hostel. Residents are not permitted to allow their rooms to be used by others. No unauthorized person will be allowed to enter or stay in the hostel premises.
17. All hostel residents must report any disciplinary matter or problems concerning them or their room-mate/neighbour (s) coming to their notice to the Warden directly. In case their room-mate is absent from the room or is sick / admitted in the hospital or is in any kind of physical/mental trouble or is indulging in any bad practices the same must be immediately brought to the notice of the Warden or the Chief Warden.
18. Televisions are not permitted in the hostel rooms. Television is provided in the common TV room.
19. Giving the room keys to any person other than the Wardens, in good faith is at their own risk. The residents must lock the rooms and their lockers with their own locks. (Good Quality Lock should be used. Number locks are not be used)
- Hostel timings will be strictly adhered to.
- UG students staying in the hostel will report back to the campus by 07:00 pm (summer) and 06:00 pm (winter) and inside the hostel by 9.00 PM.
- PG students staying in the hostel will report back to the campus by 10:00 pm and inside the hostels by 11.00 PM
- Residents returning late to their hostels will be fined. In acute cases the resident can be terminated from the Hostel.
- No student will be allowed to enter / exit the campus after the time mentioned.
- In emergency / special case, student has to take prior permission from the Principal / Hostel In-charge to enter / exit the campus beyond hostel timings.
- Students who wish to go to any place such as Railway station etc. for the night trains must take prior permission at least one day in advance from the Warden/Chief Warden.
21. Any damage to hostel property will be made good by the residents who are responsible for such damage. This includes driving in of nails, defacing of walls, damage to fixtures and furniture. Fine will also be levied in addition to disciplinary action.
The rooms have been painted as per schedule and will be maintained regularly by the management as per the maintenance schedule. Residents are not permitted to re-paint or do any alteration of any nature without the written permission of Chief Warden.
23. Students are instructed to follow water and electric conservation and proper waste disposal protocols.
24. Use of common rooms and mess facilities is only permitted for the hostel residents on verification of identity cards.
25. Students are not allowed to use hostel housekeeping staff for personal use.
- Keeping vehicles in the hostel is allowed only with consent from parents and college authorities.
- Students must register his/her vehicle with college and obtain a parking sticker from Admin Office.
- Registration copy / Driving License Copy to be submitted to college.
- Moving Vehicles in/out of campus is strictly according to hostel timing.
- Student will be responsible for any incident happening with vehicle inside or outside campus.
- Students must park their vehicle in designated parking space.
The campus has an in-house unisex multi gym with latest equipment’s for UG & PG Students. Student can apply for the annual gym membership with additional charge.