Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
The Department of Pediatric &Preventive Dentistry was established to provide complete primary and comprehensive oral and dental care to infants, children and adolescents including all children with special health care needs. It boasts of spacious dental clinics separate for undergraduate and postgraduate students, keeping in mind their specific requirements.”
The department is well furnished with all behaviour shaping equipments as guided by DCI along with regular use of nitrous oxide sedation. There is ample laboratory space for undergraduate and postgraduate students along with a daily OPD of 50-60 patients giving sufficient exposure for clinical training. The department participates in many community programs conducted in school and neighbouring rural areas. School dental camps are a regular feature and provide comprehensive and preventive dental care to the adopted schools. We provide excellent opportunity to students for continuous upgradation of knowledge students through didactic lectures, conferences, seminars, CDE programs and promote high quality research. Our students have participated and won prestigious awards at various platforms. Faculty and students have numerous publications in national and international journals to their credit. All the alumni of the department are well settled in government and academic jobs or pursuing private practice.
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Professor & Head of the Department
Dr. NIDHI AGARWAL did her BDS from the prestigious FODS, King George’s Medical College, Lucknow. After completing her graduation she pursued her post graduation in the Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry from the same institute. She is a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
She received honours in many subjects in her graduation and presented papers in national and international conferences during her post graduation as well. She began her academic career in 2003 as Senior Lecturer.
She joined IDST in 2015 as Professor & HOD. She has been an external examiner for post graduate students and PhD students in many universities. She has received special recognition as “Distinguished Women Award of the year 2021” from the Indian Society OfPedodontics& Preventive Dentistry for her continuous and untiring effort in promoting dental health and education for children. She has been invited as guest speaker in many colleges and conferences and been appointed as chairperson for various sessions of the same. She is a reviewer in many national and international journals including the speciality journal of ISPPD since past many years and has also received recognition for the same. She has contributed chapters in many books. She has been organising many CDE programs in the Institute. She is committed to maintaining high standards be it clinical work or academics having more than 40 publications in national and international indexed journals to her credit. She has an experience of teaching and imparting knowledge to students since more than eighteen years She has excellent communication skills and leads in educating and motivating the students to perform their best.
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UG Programme
- It offers an innovative learning system which is periodically updated to accommodate student needs.
- Students are provided with state of art equipments and aids for a wholesome learning.
- Advanced preclinical laboratories and operatories that enable students to develop good skills.
- Highly professional faculty with excellent intellectual abilities and communication skills.
PG Programme
- PG program is aimed at inculcating higher order thinking and learning behaviour among students.
- The faculty provides assistance and guidance to the students for performing routine as well as complex treatment procedures in pediatric patients
- Special emphasis is laid on the research activities and individual attention is provided for successful conduction of research.
Dr. Nidhi Agarwal
Principal, Professor & Head
Dr. Ashish Anand
Dr. Neeti Mittal
Professor & Head CRI
Dr. Garima Dayal
Dr. Varun Kumar Sharma
Dr. Nandita Waikhom
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Aakansha Sharma
Senior Lecturer
Faculty Achievements
- Attended the CDE programme on SPECIAL HEALTH CARE DENTISTRY on 6th May, 2022 held at ITS dental college, Greater Noida.
- Chaired scientific session in the 42nd ISPPD National Conference at Bhubneshwar, Orissa held on 25th -27th November 2021.
Department Achievements
- Awarded second prize at National level children day (week) celebration contest by Indian society of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry (ISPPD) which was held from 14th November to 14 December 2021
- Organised oral health awareness rally in Modinagar city along with distribution of pamphlets on 13th December 2021.
Research Work
- Dr. Joies Susan Varghese- Comparative evaluation of clinical success of different esthetic crown systems used in primary molars
- Dr. P C Chayanika- Comparative evaluation of outcome of primary molars pulpectomies with and without smear layer removal: An in-vivo study
Department Publications
- Agarwal N, Jabin Z, Anand A, Verma S D, “Correlation between dental fluorosis and intelligence quotient in 11–13-year-old children in Modinagar, Ghaziabad -A survey study” IJDSIR- March - 2022, Vol. – 5, Issue - 2, P. No. 217 – 222.
- Jabin Z, Verma SD, Agarwal N, Anand A, Waikhom N. Groper’s appliance – For esthetic rehabilitation of anterior missing teeth: Two case reports. J Interdiscip Dentistry 2022;12:22-5.