Periodontology is the clinical science that deals with the Periodontium in both health and disease whereas Periodontics is the branch and specialty of dentistry that is concerned with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions of the supporting and surrounding tissues of teeth or their substitutes and maintenance of health, function and esthetics of these structures and tissues. Department of Periodontology at Institute of Dental Studies & Technologies educates and trains the Undergraduate and Post Graduate students based on clinical and lab-oriented research and promote scholarly activities which are acclaimed at national and international levels.
The department’s vision strives to acclimatize the students with diagnosis of periodontal diseases, surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy, dental implant treatment planning, comprehensive therapy involving interdisciplinary approach and supportive periodontal treatment. Department of Periodontology provides optimal comprehensive periodontal care (both preventive and corrective) for highly diverse population with rigorous quality assurance and patient satisfaction. The department is having latest advanced equipment (as per Dental Council of India guidelines) to provide non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy, implant dentistry and laser therapy.
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Professor & Head of the Department
Professor Dr. MANISH KHATRI is a gold medalist graduate from Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Delhi and did his Masters in Periodontics from College of Dental Sciences, Davangere in 2001. Since then he is actively involved in academics and clinical training program for undergraduate and postgraduate students. He presently heads the Department of Periodontics, Institute of Dental Studies and Technologies, Modinagar.
The Department under his leadership is working on day to day basis on various surgical and non-surgical periodontal procedures in order to maintain a healthy oral environment. The departmental research work has been acclaimed at various levels.
He is an examiner for BDS and MDS to various universities as well as involved in paper setting for a number of national and international universities. He is also reviewer of various journals and has attended quite a few national and international conferences pertaining to his field of specialization wherein he has delivered and chaired many scientific sessions. He has quite a few publications and award winning paper and poster presentations to his credit. He was the Representative to CDE for the year 2019-20 and is the Vice President and Representative to state for the year 20201-21 in South West Delhi IDA. He is actively involved in the various academic activities of Indian Society of Periodontology (ISP) and was Executive Member of ISP for four terms and Vice President for three terms. Presently he is the acting President of the Indian Society of Periodontology and is also the Business Manager of the Pubmed Indexed Journal of ISP. He is a member of Board of Studies and External Expert in the Ethical Committee for few Deemed Universities.
Department Email:
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UG Programme
An undergraduate student in the Department of Periodontology is concerned with preventive dental services, basic treatment of periodontal diseases and its maintenance care. At the undergraduate level a student is prepared to observe, carefully examine and assess, diagnose and thereafter treat the periodontal diseases.
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A post graduate student of the Department of Periodontology is trained under best supervision through preclinical lectures and seminars, laboratory exercises, and clinical case presentations which have been specifically designed in a manner that provides for optimal growth and excellency in performance of all regular traditional and advanced periodontal non-surgical as well as surgical procedures.
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Dr. Manish Khatri
Vice Principal (Administration), Professor & Head
Dr. Mansi Bansal
Dr. Vimal Kumar
Dr. Mohd Rehan
Dr. Narender
Dr. Sunny Agarwal
Dr. Nisha Parveen
Senior Lecturer
Ayush Khatri
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Sakshi Gaind
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Pratiksha Tripathi
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Shashank Arora
Senior Lecturer
Faculty Achievements
- Dr Manish Khatri is the Acting President of the Indian Society of Periodontology and the Business Manager of the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. He was also the Representative to CDE and Vice President and Representative to State of IDA South West Delhi Branch.
- Dr Manish Khatri was invited team member of Periodiabetes symposium – A joint venture by Indian Society of Periodontology (ISP) and Research Society for the study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI). He was also the Member of the Committee of the Indian Society of Periodontology involved in the formulation of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines to be followed by the General Practitioner for practice of Art of Periodontology in General Dental Practice.
Research Work
- Evaluation of periodontal and microbiological parameters in children and adolescents with cleft lip and palate: a cross sectional study.
- Additive Use of Mucograft or PRF Membrane with Coronally Advanced Flap in Treatment of Gingival Recession: A Comparative Clinical Study.
- Comparative evaluation of Grade II furcation defects treated with bone graft alone or i-PRF enriched bone graft matrix: A clinico-radiographic study.
Department Achievements
- Conducted a Lecture, Demonstration and Hands on Workshop on “Lasers In Dentistry- Current Concepts” by Dr. MallikaSethi Rishi on 30/05/22.
- Celebrated “Gum Health Day” on 12/05/22. Various academic activities including video making, slogan and poster making competitions were organized for all the students and faculty members.
- Organized a lecture on “Demystifying Trauma From Occlusion” by Dr. Ashish Kumar, Editor, Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology on 22/03/22.
Department Publications
- Rajkhowa C, Puri K, Khatri M, Masamatti S, Bansal M, Khan R. Surgical placement of Free gingival graft with platelet rich fibrin as a membrane in the lower aesthetic zone - A case report with a 6 months follow up. Int J of Dent SciInnov Res 2022.
- Verma P, Sharma H, TripathiP, Mehrotra S, Gaind S, Khatri M. Periodontal microsurgery: Magnification and beyond. Int J Dent Applied 2022.