Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge
Prosthodontics is the dental specialty pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth and/or maxillofacial tissues by using biocompatible substitutes.
MDS course at IDST provides an unparalleled and wide range of clinical experiences that are unique to our institution based on a diverse patient population, strong didactic program and expert clinical faculty.
Scholarly activity and research provide a foundation for evidence- based learning and enhanced health care. Department of Prosthodontics provides students with sufficient clinical and laboratory experience to become proficient in diagnostic data collection, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment sequencing of complicated prosthodontic patients; exposes them to the biomedical sciences, emphasize basic science- prosthodontic interrelationships, and encourage synthesis and application of this knowledge in clinical practice. train residents to provide quality, complete patient care in a timely and efficient manner using state-of-the-art technology and patient management skills and develops students’ clinical decision-making and technical skills for treatment of highly complex prosthodontic needs. We train the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students based on clinical and lab-oriented research and help them promote scholarly activities which are acclaimed at national and international levels. The Masters specialization program in the Department started in the year 2008 with the intake of 3 PG students, and, at present, the intake is 5 PG students per year.
The department has separate laboratories for the undergraduate and postgraduate students which are well equipped with latest modern equipment and technologies, such as CAD CAM, Porcelain Furnace and Induction Casting Machines. The subjects taught by the department comprises of Dental Materials, Complete Dentures, Removable Partial Dentures, Fixed Partial Dentures, Metal Free Prosthesis, Implants and Maxillofacial Prosthesis with an interactive patient selection in the abovementioned fields.
We have a separate dedicated implant center with various implant systems for implant curriculum fulfilling all aspects of the requirements in delivering simple and complex implant restorations. Students are kept abreast with latest digital advancements using Simulation Lab, intraoral scanners and Exocad system. Emphasis is placed on gaining critical and analytical decision-making skills utilizing existing and new evidence in dentistry. Our objective is to train expert clinicians with a sense of ethical responsibility and professionalism. The program strives to achieve these goals through the implementation of new advanced clinical practices and technologies in the field.
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Professor & Head of the Department
Dr. Gaurav Issar is the Head of Department of Prosthodontics & Oral Implantology at Institute of Dental Studies & Technologies. He did his BDS from Subharti Dental College and MDS from ITS-Centre for Dental Studies & Research. He has an academic experience of more than 10 years with numerous clinical and academic achievements to his credit. He is an active member of Indian Prosthodontic Society and Diplomate – World Congress of Oral Implantology (Japan).
Dr. Issar played a key role in organizing “Oral Implantology Sensitization Courses” with various implant systems such as Bioner Implants (Spain), Adin Implants (Israel) and CWM Implants (South Korea) for Undergraduates, Postgraduates and Interns. He has been Course Faculty for Implant courses recognized by foreign universities such as Universidad Catolica San Antonio De Murcia (UCAM), Spain & Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea. He has till date trained and mentored more than 800 Undergraduate & Postgraduate students in the field of Oral Implantology. Seeing his determination to teach the science of Oral Implantology in January 2019, a new Department of Oral Implantology was established in I.T.S CDSR and he was made the founder Head of the Department.
He has been a Guide & Co Guide for numerous Thesis & Library Dissertation of Postgraduate students. He preaches to his students that clinical work & research should be practiced together for nurturing new ideas and making advances in treatment protocols & procedures. He tries to motivate his wards to excel in patient care by providing latest and best treatment backed by strong theoretical foundation. He has actively organized various National and International conferences and has chaired scientific sessions at the same.
His command on basic knowledge of the subject combined with his interest for practicing latest treatment procedures and innovation makes him a proficient teacher. Added to that, his great interpersonal skills and kindness make him an approachable guide to all his students.
Department Email:
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UG Programme
- The Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology strives to train our under graduates in various aspects of the vast field of Prosthodontics.
- Department consists of preclinical and clinical wings. Preclinical exercises aim for training under graduates on phantom head so that they can upscale their skill before working on patients.
- Under graduates are trained clinically under the guidance of skilled and experienced faculty to equip them with a special understanding of the dynamics of smile, the preservation of a healthy mouth and creation of suitable and enduring prosthesis/ restorations.
PG Programme
For Post graduates the department aims to train them with high clinical proficiency.
- Our post graduate training is directed towards enabling our students to be adapt at designing, treating and managing various patients and to rehabilitate them for better esthetics and function.
- Post graduate program focus more on the advanced procedures like full mouth rehabilitation, implant surgeries, implant supported overdentures, smile designing, TMJ splints fabrication, oral and maxillofacial prosthesis which includes fabrication of eyes, nose, finger, ear prosthesis etc.
Dr. Gaurav Issar
Professor & Head
Dr. Suprabha Rathee
Dr. Pallavi Sirana
Dr. Abhi Sharma
Dr. Javed
Dr. Kamal Nayan
Dr Mandeep Kaur
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Dhaniram Talukder
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Ritwik Tyagi
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Pinki Gupta
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Taruna Choudhary
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Vikas Sharma
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Aatika Islam
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Afifa Rasheed
Senior Lecturer
Faculty Achievements
- Dr. Gaurav Issar planned & executed “Preclinical Oral Implantology Program 2023” at IDST for BDS Final year students in collaboration with International Academy of Advanced Clinical Dentistry (IAACD). The aim of this program was to make BDS students aware about the various clinical steps involved in Oral Implantology thru lectures, demonstrations & hands-on exercises.
- Dr. Gaurav Issar was Course Incharge for “Comprehensive Oral Implantology Course - 2021-22” held in collaboration with bioner implants, spain, for interns & postgraduates (61 participants). Certified by university of barcelona, barcelona, spain.
- He is Director Administration at “Capital Dental Labs” situated in Okhla, New Delhi 110020.
Research Work
- Dr. Divija Sai - Comparative analysis of fracture resistance of provisional restorations fabricated by conventional techniques and CAD/Cam: an in-vitro study
- Dr Harikrishnan P - Comparative evaluation of hard and soft tissue changes around dental implants placed with osseodensification in contrast with modified Summer’s osteotome technique. An in-vivo study.
- Dr Jane Leela Varghese - Comparative evaluation of marginal fit and internal fit of zirconia copings and cobalt-chromium copings fabricated using CAD/CAM technology: an in-vitro study
Department Publications:
- Sirana P, Kumar N, Singh K, Kapoor V. Demographic description and cross-sectional analysis of status of edentulism in study population at Ghaziabad region: An original study. J res Adv Dent 2018;7(2):103-6.
- Sirana P, Kumar N, Singh K, Kapoor V. Retentive bond strength of different luting cements to zirconium oxide ceramic crowns: An in vitro study. Int J Current Res 2018;10(3):67141-46.
- Poddar P, Gupta RK, Kumar N, Singh K, Kakkar S. A Flangeless complete denture Prosthesis: a Case Report. Indian Journal of Research, Vol 6(4), April 2017: 89-90.