Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
The Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics is one of the specialties of dentistry. Our Motto is to “spread smiles across the miles”. Conservative dentistry deals with the treatment of caries, malformed, discolored, non-esthetic, or fractured teeth and Endodontics deals with treatment of pulpal and periapical diseases and dental pain management.
The Department is located at the second floor of Institute of Dental Studies and Technologies and is fully equipped with all the desired armamentarium to carry out best of treatment. We have faculty which is abreast with the current global scenario and imparts relevant and substantial clinical and academic knowledge to the students. The Department has its own State of Art Simulation Lab; a conglomeration of simulation manikins with magnetic metal head skulls, drainage masks and MQD jaw models. The typhodont teeth simulate the natural dentition for performing restorative & endodontic procedures. The Department is equipped with clinical under-graduate & post-graduate sections with models and charts for the purpose of students & patient education and motivation.
The section of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics has a wide range of activities covering following aspects;
- Preclinical operative dentistry
- Undergraduate clinical operative dentistry
- Aesthetic dentistry
- Endodontics
We aspire to:
- To train students to a level of competence in restoration, rehabilitation and maintenance of the dentition.
- To encourage students to undertake independent research and to develop an aptitude to practice innovative treatment protocols..
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Professor & Head of the Department
Professor Dr. Rishi Manan has completed his bachelor’s degree (BDS) in dentistry from KLE Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka in 2004. And went on to do his Masters Degree (MDS) in the field of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics from Institute of Technology and Sciences, Uttar Pradesh. He currently serves as Professor & Head in the Dept.
of Conservative Dentistry &Endodonitcs, Faculty of Dentistry, IDST, Modinagar, India. He has a teaching experience of 12 years.
He has chaired many scientific presentations in national conferences and conventions. He has authored several articles in national as well as international journals. He has guided several post graduate students in their thesis and library dissertation. He actively contributes in various research works in the department (i.e. thesis, library dissertation, paper and poster presentations). He is a skilled clinician and contributes in the daily clinical activity with the undergraduates and post graduates students.
Department Email:
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UG Programme
- Department encourages practical learning at in early stages of the course through videographic demonstrations of various modalities in didactic lectures.
- Department is equipped with separate patient simulation lab (phantom lab) where students get hands-on experience of working on typhodont teeth since second year.
- Department caters to heavy OPD providing exposure to wide range of cases at undergraduate level itself, all of which are performed under personalized supervision.
PG Programme
- Department boasts about Magnification-aided Endodontics involving the use of Dental Operating Microscopes and Loupes.
- Department is equipped with latest technologies making students adept in delivering patient care of high standards. These include
- Post graduate students routinely use LASERS in varied cases pertaining to the speciality.
Dr. Rishi Manan
Professor & Head
Dr. Charu Dayal
Dr. Neetu Bansal
Dr. Digvijay Singh
Dr. Karan Khaneja
Dr. Mahesh Mohan
Dr. Arjun Soni
Dr. Bharat Chauhan
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Parul Bansal
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Asma Zoya
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Ankit Gupta
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Priyanka Mishra
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Saumya Vats
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Nadeem Aashiq
Senior Lecturer
Faculty Achievements
- Chairperson for scientific session during 27th IES National Conference held on 21st& 22nd December 2019 at Maulana Azad Dental College, New Delhi.
- Organizing member during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
Department Achievements
- 1. Department had conducted CDE (Lecture & hands-on) on “RRR- redefining Restorative Realms” on 19, 20th April 2022 by Dr Nikhil Bahuguna.
- 2. Department had conducted a Lecture on the topic “Endodontic Advancement- Game Changing Technologies” on 21st march 2017 by Dr. Monica Juneja
Department Research
- Dr Adarsh Roshan- Comparative evaluation of effect of traditional vs ultrconservative access cavity preparation on canal transportation centering ability and pericervical dentin thickness with two different file systems using CBCT: An In Vivo Study.
- Dr Ganesh- Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of 0.5% metronidazole, 2% chlorhexidine and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as root canal irrigants using ultrasonic agitation against e. Faecalis and f. Nucleatum: an in vitro study
- Dr Thomas Raphael- Comparative Evaluation of Post Operative Pain And Radiographic Changes After Single Visit Root Canal Treatment Using Different File Systems And Irrigant Agitation Techniques: An In Vivo Study.
Department Publications
- Manan R. Biofilms in dental operating units - a review. Dental world 2008; 3(5).
- Manan R, Chadha R, Dixit S, Kumari M, Kakar C. Coronal microleakage of various intermediate restorative materials used in endodontics: A dye leakage study. Annals of research IDST 2009;1(01):5-13.