1. Chairperson for scientific session during 32nd IACDE & 25 th IES National Conference, Ahmedabad 2017.
  2. Chairperson for scientific session during 31st IACDE & 24th IES National Conference Kolkata 2016.
  3. Chairperson for scientific session during 29th IACDE & 22nd IES National Conference in Jaipur 2014.
  4. Chairperson for scientific session during 28th IACDE & 21st IES National Conference Hydrabad 2013.
  5. Chairperson for scientific session during 52nd Punjab State dental conference Bathinda Dec 2012.
  1. Organizing member during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention, held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
  2. Chaired scientific session during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention, held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
  3. Best poster in 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention, held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
  4. Chaired scientific poster presentation sessions in Indian Dental Student Conference-2016(North Zone)heldatITS-CDSR, Muradnagaron15, 16thMarch 2016
  5. Chairedscientificposterpresentationsessionsin16thIACDE&IESPGConventionheldatITS-CDSR,MuradnagarinJune2015.
  6. Chairedscientificposterpresentationsessionsin28thISDRconferenceheldatITS-CDSR,MuradnagarinNov2015.
  1. Chairperson for scientific session during 27th IES National Conference held on 21st& 22nd December 2019 at Maulana Azad Dental College, New Delhi.
  2. Organizing member during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
  3. Chaired scientific session during16th IACDE and IES PG Convention held at ITS Muradnagar, Ghaziabad on 4-6 June 2015.
  4. Member of scientific committee for Trade during 26th FODI &19th IES, National conference held at Delhi on 11-13 Nov 2011.
  5. Chaired scientific session during 26th FODI &19th IES, National conference held at Delhi on 11-13 Nov 2011.