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Faculty Achievements
- Chairperson for scientific session during 32nd IACDE & 25 th IES National Conference, Ahmedabad 2017.
- Chairperson for scientific session during 31st IACDE & 24th IES National Conference Kolkata 2016.
- Chairperson for scientific session during 29th IACDE & 22nd IES National Conference in Jaipur 2014.
- Chairperson for scientific session during 28th IACDE & 21st IES National Conference Hydrabad 2013.
- Chairperson for scientific session during 52nd Punjab State dental conference Bathinda Dec 2012.
- Organizing member during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention, held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
- Chaired scientific session during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention, held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
- Best poster in 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention, held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
- Chaired scientific poster presentation sessions in Indian Dental Student Conference-2016(North Zone)heldatITS-CDSR, Muradnagaron15, 16thMarch 2016
- Chairedscientificposterpresentationsessionsin16thIACDE&IESPGConventionheldatITS-CDSR,MuradnagarinJune2015.
- Chairedscientificposterpresentationsessionsin28thISDRconferenceheldatITS-CDSR,MuradnagarinNov2015.
- Chairperson for scientific session during 27th IES National Conference held on 21st& 22nd December 2019 at Maulana Azad Dental College, New Delhi.
- Organizing member during 19TH APEC and 18th IACDE and IES PG convention held in Gurgaon, April 5-8, 2017.
- Chaired scientific session during16th IACDE and IES PG Convention held at ITS Muradnagar, Ghaziabad on 4-6 June 2015.
- Member of scientific committee for Trade during 26th FODI &19th IES, National conference held at Delhi on 11-13 Nov 2011.
- Chaired scientific session during 26th FODI &19th IES, National conference held at Delhi on 11-13 Nov 2011.