Under the auspices of Dr Vikram Gandhi, Secretary, DMET & Dr Shalu Rai, Principal, IDST, Department of Periodontology organized a one day Lecture, Demonstration and Hands- on Workshop on the topic Lasers in Dentistry - Current concepts by eminent speaker Dr MallikaSethi Rishi (Director, Gumsopolis®, Laser & Dental Care Centre, Gurugram) on 30th May 2022 to orient the undergraduate students with the concepts of Laser dentistry.
The students were briefed about laser tissue interactions and Dr Mallika also talked about the effective use of Lasers types in different fields of dentistry including Periodontology, Oral Medicine & Radiology, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Pedodontics.
Each and every registered udergraduate student got first-hand experience of using Lasers on Goat Jaws and Chicken Legs for different soft tissue surgical procedures like incisions, crown lenghthening, gingivectomy and depigmentation.
The event was highly valued and received overwhelming response from faculty and students of IDST.
The Demonstration & Hands-on were conducted in our highly sophisticated and fully digitalized “IDST Simulation Lab”. This Lab serves the purpose of acquiring skills in an environment similar to reality and also serves the “cognitive goal” as it helps the students to gain a lot of knowledge about the real work environment and its requirements. The realistic clinical simulation ensures student ease, confidence and competence.
The programme was organised and executed under the flagship of Dr Manish Khatri, Prof & Head, Department of Periodontology and his team comprising of Dr MansiBansal (Professor), Dr MohdRehan (Reader) Dr SourabhMehrotra, Dr SakshiGaind& Dr PratikshaTripathi (Senior Lecturers).